working spacing moving
Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens
Curators Antony Hudek and Laurens Otto
The exhibition explores the interplay between gestures, actions, scales, and spatial relationships among people, artworks, and architecture. Enlarged prints of project drawings from 1997 to 2021 are reproduced on voile fabric and suspended from the ceiling, while miniature versions of installations, props, and sculptures are displayed on tables. Geometric symbols associated with words like "write," "play," and "organise" in the 2019 Untitled series function as keys to the artist’s artistic process and inspired a children's workshop held within the exhibition space. The exhibition also features new productions, including the video Working Spacing Moving and Resting and Untitled (Dreams that I forget until I realise they have coloured everything I felt and did today) (2021).
Handout List of works
Video Kids’ performance workshop
With support from Konstnärsnämnden, The Swedish Arts Grants Committee, and The Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia
Photo: Rik Vannevel
Installation view
Drawing for outdoor wall piece for Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens, Deurle, 2021 (unrealised)
Untitled (Dreams that I forget until I realize they have coloured everything I felt and did today), 2021
To Imagine Action (1:10), 2004-2021
Installation view
Model for a Pedagogical Vehicle (1:10), 2018-2021
Installation view
Installation view
Preparatory drawing for the restaging of Simone Forti’s See Saw, London, 2017-2021
Kids' workshop