bauhaus imaginista collected research
Touring exhibition commissioned by the Goethe Institute
Curators Marion von Osten and Grant Watson, in collaboration with an international team of researchers
Exhibition design Luca Frei
bauhaus imaginista is a major international project that marks the school's centenary. Structured around four chapters titled "corresponding with, "learning from," "moving away," and "still undead," it opens up a transnational perspective on modernist art and design history through a series of site-specific exhibitions, events, and publications between 2018 and 2020.
Together with the curators Marion von Osten and Grant Watson, we have conceived a smaller touring exhibition to bring this project to Goethe Institute's broader network. This touring exhibition features a modular structure that is both a sculpture and an exhibition architecture. It introduces the main themes of the bauhaus imaginista project. A reading space, which has a laptop and a printer, is at the centre of the exhibition. Visitors can browse the bauhaus imaginista online journal, print out visual and textual material, and compile it in the provided folders. The exhibition also displays prints on panels with selected works, curatorial research conducted in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas, and still and moving image documentation of related international events and press reports.
bauhaus imaginista is a joint project by the Bauhaus Kooperation Berlin Dessau Weimar, Goethe-Institut and Haus der Kulturen der Welt, funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Federal Cultural Foundation, on the occasion of the centenary ‘100 years of bauhaus’.